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For May 2020, we had big travel plans. We were going to fly into Barcelona, Spain, where we’d spend a few days before boarding our Mediterranean cruise. Of course, as you well know, that trip was canceled – though we did end up with a credit for a hotel in Barcelona.

Fast forward to last week. On Tuesday, Scott’s Cheap Flights sent out a deal that highlighted several deals to Europe from my preferred airports: Helsinki, Finland (tempting, tempting); Dublin, Ireland (one of my faves); and Madrid, Spain (Oh, hello!). Madrid was the one that really caught my eye – after all, Spain is still on our must-visit list, and we’ve been itching to go since our Barcelona trip was canceled. So I fired up Google Flights and started playing with the dates.

From Scott’s Cheap Flights

As I’ve mentioned before, you have to go where the cheap flights take you. And when the cheap flights are taking you to Europe, you need to jump on them – especially at ~$350 per person, which beats even our amazing deal to Copenhagen, Denmark. I scoured dates that would make sense for us, toggling between Google Flights and American Airlines’ website. Nope, that one didn’t work. Oh, the price went up while I was searching. Whelp, now we’re getting too close to our Ireland trip…

Unfortunately, we couldn’t get the dates and the price to work. Tyler and I were bummed, but between our trip to Ireland next month and our anniversary trip to Austin, Texas, we couldn’t justify budgeting for a higher price, especially because we wanted to get the dude his own seat. We figured we’d continue to keep an eye out, but that was it.

Except that wasn’t it. I noticed on Friday that the price was still listed as low on American, but now Delta was showing a competitive price point as well – with more dates available. While it wasn’t $348 per person, $351 per person was still very doable. Fun fact: the base fare for the flight is $1. I double checked that Tyler was good to move on it, and we booked the tickets. Come the end of May (less than 100 days from now), we’re going to Madrid!!

Just check out that base fare!

We’ll probably wait until after Ireland to get into deep planning mode, but in the meantime, please send your recommendations! We’ll be there for just over a week with the little guy in tow (definitely putting that passport to good use), so child-friendly ideas are much appreciated. Fortunately, he’s already on board with the siesta. 😉 

In my 2021 travel wrap up, I hoped to travel more this year… I’m so thrilled to make that happen!