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When Tyler and I took our 2020 anniversary trip to Savannah, Georgia, I learned all about what it meant to road trip while pregnant.

Three years later – we’re having baby #2! And since we’re no longer faced with the same travel restrictions that were in place with our son, my travel has been a lot more involved.

Since finding out I was pregnant in late March, I have:

• flown to Stockholm, Sweden

• traveled by ferry to both Tallinn, Estonia, and Helsinki, Finland

• flown back across the Atlantic (to Orlando, FL)

• flown to Bozeman, Montana

• driven all around Yellowstone National Park

• flown to Seattle, Washington

• flown back across the country to Tampa, FL

And we’ve got some more travel on the docket! We’re still finalizing plans for our anniversary trip next month – more to come on that – and I have a work trip to Cabo, Mexico, coming up at the end of the summer. Just because I’m pregnant, doesn’t mean I’m not traveling!

I’m not saying that these trips weren’t made a little more difficult by my pregnancy, but there are definitely some tips and tricks I picked up the first time (and learned this time) to make it easier.

1) Pack all the snacks. I learned this from our road trips, and it’s served me well. I like dry snacks that travel well, like granola bars and peanut butter crackers. These can help settle your stomach if you’re feeling nauseous, as well as carry you through to your next meal.

Side note: when packing your snacks, don’t forget your prenatal vitamins and any other supplements you’re taking!

2) Stay hydrated. Especially up in the air, it can be difficult to get enough water, and it’s extra important when you’re pregnant. I found the best way to keep on top of it was to pack my biggest water bottle, and refill it whenever possible.

3) Get up and move around. Regardless of my travel activities, I actively made time to move around and get my blood flowing. When you’re on a longer flight, this is even more important to help prevent blood clots. Bonus: it gives you more opportunities to hit your 10k steps!

4) Pack clothes that fit and feel good. Your body changes quickly while pregnant, and my clothes that fit on our trip to Scandinavia didn’t fit quite the same in Bozeman. Sara actually leant me a hair tie to I could “button” my jeans! When in doubt, go for something a little oversized.

5) Show yourself grace. I skipped a nice dinner out with my coworkers in Seattle because I was so tired. I took it easier on our hikes in Yellowstone because I wasn’t feeling my best. It’s hard not to “make the most” of trips, but at the same time, you’re *making* a human – that’s pretty important too.

On that note, I actually skipped a trip for a family wedding earlier this month. It would have been very involved, made more complicated by my pregnancy, and honestly, I think Tyler had more fun without me. It’s okay to turn down travel opportunities sometimes! Though now that I’m in my second trimester and feeling good overall, I’m excited to have some upcoming plans to look forward to. 😊