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It’s hard to believe we leave for Ireland this week! This weekend, we knocked out a lot of last minute things that we needed to do – for example, book our COVID tests before coming home – which leaves us with the last big hurdle: packing. Historically, I would put a few outfits in my AWAY bag, throw on my coat (I’m not wasting suitcase space on it)n and hit the road, but now that we have a toddler in tow, we have to be much more intentional with our packing. 

After doing a ton of research, here are the toddler-specific items we’re bringing along:

  • Diapers, changing pad, and wipes. We’ll buy more diapers and wipes while we’re abroad, but we definitely want to have enough to cover us for the first couple days. We’re also bringing Ziploc gallon bags to contain any dirty diapers until we can toss them.
  • The stroller. We will have to check ours at the check-in desk, since it’s heavy (check your airline’s rules, as some can be gate-checked), so we’ll use the baby carrier to maneuver him through the airport more easily. Tip: wrap a bungee cord around your stroller to keep it from opening when stored on the plane!
  • Bottles and snacks. You can prepare your bottles in advance, so long as you let the folks at TSA know and accept the additional screening. This is the easiest way for us to get milk on the plane, especially since we have a long journey ahead – yay layovers. The snacks will be divided into those he knows/loves as well as “forbidden” snacks. We are not above giving this kid some chocolate if it makes the flights easier.
  • A CARES travel harness. We were having a really tough time figuring out what to do about the car seat since we haven’t actually booked him a seat for this flight (we knew better when we booked our tickets to Spain). We are going to see if there are any seats available for him, and if there are, we want to be ready to take them. What we ultimately determined was our best option was the Child Aviation Restraint System (CARES), which is easily packed in case we need it.
  • All the toys. Not only are we bringing some old favorites, like his stuffed giraffe, but we’re going to bust out some new toys just for the plane ride to help keep him entertained. We’ve added some toddler-friendly games to Tyler’s tablet, and we’re even bringing Scotch Tape, based on a recommendation we read. We want to do our best to entertain him until we can get him to sleep.
  • Miscellaneous items. Of course, we’re also packing his clothes – we got him a really cute shacket from Old Navy, just for the trip – and toiletries. Specifically for him, we’re bringing a blanket to keep warm and cozy, as well as a wet bag for any outfits that don’t make it through the trip unscathed. Keep an extra outfit or two in easy reach, just in case!

Some things you might need, but we’re not bringing along: 

  • A travel crib or pack and play. Our hotels are supplying us with toddler-friendly beds (called a “cot” at one hotel, so pay attention to what you’re getting), but an Airbnb might require you to bring your own.
  • A breast pump. I very intentionally weaned before we left for this trip, but if you haven’t, you’ll want to make sure this comes along with all the associated equipment.
  • A birth certificate. Since we’re bringing the little guy’s passport with us, we won’t need to bring his birth certificate as well. If you’re flying domestic, this will be much more important – especially if you need to verify your child can ride in your lap.

I’ll be sure to share what we wished we’d brought (and could’ve done without) once we’re back. 😉 Traveling with a toddler is definitely a new adventure for us! Now to see if we can pull off another budget-friendly European vacation