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Friends, somehow, tomorrow is June. Where has this year gone! I’ve been fortunate to go on a few different adventures so far this year – I haven’t even shared everything we did in Finland – but we’re less than two months out from our anniversary, and we don’t know how we’re going to celebrate it this year.

We have some really great anniversary trips to live up to, which have included…

And along the way, we’ve learned some things that we prefer for our anniversary trip. Mainly, we want to celebrate our peak summer anniversary somewhere it doesn’t necessarily feel like peak summer – we definitely like to go somewhere cooler! We also want to have opportunities to eat well, and we need to make sure we have childcare while we’re away (so we also won’t be gone for too long; probably about 5 days).

So far, the only place we’ve really discussed is Traverse City, Michigan. Tyler works with a lot of folks based in Michigan, and I used to work with a Detroit-based team, so we’ve heard only good things about the place, from the wineries to the beaches. That being said, it’s not that easy for us to get to Traverse City. We’re potentially looking at multiple layovers, which eats into a lot of our travel, and the tickets are definitely more expensive than we like to purchase – more than we have spent to get to Europe several times!

This has left us with nothing planned. Do we bite the bullet on Traverse City, knowing that it meets what we’re looking for, but requires compromises on travel time and flight cost? Or do we keep looking for some other hidden gem? If y’all have recommendations, please drop them here, since we’ll need to get something on the books soon to travel in July!