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Since Tyler and I have been dreaming of our next vacation… we’re now actually getting it figured out!

He and I both have solo trips planned for the near future, but I’ll be sharing more on that soon. Then after our big family trip to Ireland in March, we figured our next trip would be for our anniversary. But there was one potential kink – the “last rodeo” I’m attending in Austin just had the dates finalized, and they conflicted with the weekend we were tentatively planning on traveling.

Whelp, as we learned in 2020 and in 2021, getting our anniversary trip coordinated is never easy! But after playing around with schedules this weekend and getting our childcare confirmed, we have a plan that has me really excited: we’re road tripping to Austin, Texas! We’ll be making our return to the Lone Star State after our 2015 anniversary trip to Dallas – but this time, we’re taking the scenic route.

Our current plan is to leave the weekend before the bachelorette party, driving from Tampa Bay, and hitting up some exciting and new (to us, anyway) cities en route. Currently, those include:

  • Pensacola, Florida, because it takes a very long time to leave the state of Florida.
  • Mobile, Alabama, for a deep south breakfast on our way west.
  • Biloxi or Gulfport, Mississippi – I haven’t done much research on these, so I’d love recommendations on which is better! Or should we do both?
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, where I have made Tyler promise we’ll get beignets.
  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana, so we can see what the capital has to offer.
  • Houston, Texas, for what is hopefully some very delicious barbecue.
  • And, of course, Austin, Texas! We’ll be celebrating a few days here before Tyler heads back, and I join up with the party. He will make the drive back, and I’ll fly home, so we both should arrive back home around the same time.

This is definitely in the early planning stages, so if you have must-dos, must-stays, or maybe most importantly, must-eats, please send them my way! I expect that this will be a bit easier than my last couple road trips, seeing as I was pregnant, and I’m eager to get it all mapped out.