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a woman packing her suitcase
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

If you are a frequent traveler, especially one who either overpacks or budget travels like myself you know packing is an art from. Over the years I have discovered some great products that have made traveling so much easier.

  1. Lululemon Fanny Pack
    • While it doesn’t have to be lululemon, any sort of fanny pack has been an airport game changer. Having my phone, wallet, headphones, and most importantly chapstick all attached right to my body has been a huge convenience through airport security. While a fanny pack will count as a personal item on most airlines, the lululemon version is small enough to stuff in even your most packed up personal item or carry on. Once on the plane I take it out either attach it to me or sit it on my lap and it holds just about everything I need in flight without me having to dig through a bag under my seat.
  2. Dual Port Charger
    • For my apple watch users, how many times have you forgotten your charger while traveling? Also how annoying is it to have multiple plugs and cords when you get to a hotel with limited outlet space. Well this 2 in 1 charger has been a space saver. I can easily charge both my watch and phone while on the go.
  3. Compression Packing Cubes
    • One of my newer discoveries when I was traveling to California in January for 5 days all in a carry on. I was having a hard time getting my sweaters tiny enough to fit in my suitcase. I found both air compression packing bags as well as compression packing cubes. While the air compression packing bags are great for bulky items, I find myself using the compression packing cubes on almost every trip to save on space.
  4. Airtag
    • Especially if you have connecting flights or traveling internationally I hightly recommend an Apple Airtag or some type of tacking product on your luggage. There is nothing worse than arriving to your destination with no clue where your bag is.
  5. Bottle Filter
    • No one needs to waste precious travel funds on overpriced water bottles at airports. That’s why I purchased the LARQ Bottle Filter which is a water bottle with a built in filtration system so you can drink clean water no matter where in the world you might be. Additionally the size is perfect for your personal or carry on item.