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Before Megan and I created B!tches Be Tripping, I had the opportunity to contribute this content to my friend Ayana’s blog, XO, Ayana. This remains my best tip for traveling cheaply!

Last year, I took five international trips where I got the chance to explore eight different countries. This year, I’ve already been to three countries, with a couple other trips in the queue. Don’t hate me, because I’m about to tell you how I do it.

The secret: I go where the cheap flights take me.

That may sound out there, but hear me out. When I was at the University of Florida, I spent the summer between my sophomore and junior years working two jobs to pay for my study abroad trip. I dreamed about how I would spend the following summer in Paris and London with the College of Journalism and Communications. “A tale of two cities,” I thought. “How perfect!”

And how expensive. The flight to and from Paris for that trip was ~$1,200.

Just writing that makes me cringe, since I spent $375 on a flight to and from Europe last month. How? I didn’t choose the destination.

You can read the rest of this post here, on XO, Ayana.