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In 2018, I had the opportunity to visit Edinburgh with a group of grad school friends after finishing up a school trip in London. We took the 5-hour train ride from King’s Cross Station to the wonderful Scottish city of Edinburgh for a long weekend in mid-November.

Scotland had always been one of my top bucket list destinations because my dad actually spent a few years of his childhood in Scotland while my grandfather worked on submarines for the US Navy. Hearing all the stories about fish and chip at the dock and the beautiful landscape of the highlands, I knew this had to be a place I someday explored.

If Edinburgh is a city on your bucket list, here are my top 10 must-dos:

1. Visit Edinburgh Castle

Sitting on top of a hill at the center of town, it is hard to miss Edinburgh Castle. There is plenty to see if you tour the castle, including the Crown Jewels of Scotland. However, if you have limited time, just taking in the outside grounds is well worth it.

2. Tour the Queen’s Scottish Home: Holyrood Palace

This was one stop I was very excited for because of my slight obsession with the British royal family. Holyrood Palace is the Scottish residence of the British Monarchy and still used today by Queen Elizabeth and the royal family. Touring the palace, you will see some amazing pieces of art and plenty of history.

3. See How the Royals Travel in Style at the Royal Yacht Britannia

The official yacht of the British royal family is docked at Leith Docks just outside of the city center. Princess Diana and Prince Charles actually honeymooned aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia, and you can tour the entire ship and see what it is like to sail as a royal.

4. Shop on Princess Street

If you want to get some shopping in on your visit, then Princess Street is the spot. There are plenty of high-end shops, as well as many historical landmarks and art galleries that pay tribute to the rich history of Scotland.  Along Princess Street, you will also get an incredible view of Edinburgh Castle that is worth the photo opp.

5. Hike Arthur’s Seat

If you are one for outdoor activities, then you need to have Arthur’s Seat on your list. This dormant volcano is the highest point in Edinburgh and provides amazing views of both the city and the untouched nature of Scotland. If legend is true, then Arthur’s Seat is also considered to be a possible location for Camelot, the legendary castle of King Arthur.

6. Photo Opp at Calton Hill

Calton Hill is a great spot for photo opportunities of both the city of Edinburgh and Arthur’s Seat. It has been nicknamed the “Athens of the North” because of some of the Greek-inspired structures.

7. Have a Coffee at the Home of Harry Potter

If you are a Harry Potter Fan, then Edinburgh needs to be on your bucket list. There are plenty of sites within Edinburgh that inspired JK Rowling as she wrote the famous series. But did you know you can actually visit the site where she wrote the first Harry Potter book? The Elephant House is a coffee shop made famous by JK Rowling and her magical character Harry Potter.

8. Drink some Scotch

You can’t go to Scotland without experience a scotch tasting! The Scotch Whisky Experience offers a variety of tours and even takes you on a whiskey barrel ride to show you the production of scotch.

9. Walk the Royal Mile

Connecting Holyrood Palace and Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile is the main street within the city of Edinburgh. Here you will find some of the top attractions, shops, restaurants, and – most importantly- pubs.

10. If you dare, try some Haggis

I was not a brave one to try this on my last visit to Scotland, but plenty in my group did. Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish and you can learn more about the interesting “delicacy” here.