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Y’all, how is it already May? I cannot get over how quickly this year has already gone by. This summer is prepping to be a big one for travel, much like the summer of 2022. So far, this is what I have on the docket:

May: San Diego, California

This post is actually coming at you from 30,000 feet! I am en route to San Diego for a team off-site, much like those I have done in Denver, Colorado, and Seattle, Washington. It’s not quite a Cabo San Lucas retreat since, you know, we’re still working, but I think it’ll be fun. As a bonus, I have a long layover in Denver on my way out, so I get to squeeze in a little lunch with Liz! I’m not totally sure what the plans are for SD at this point, but as always, I’ll report back.

Early July: Anniversary Trip 2024

We have to work around the school schedule and other travel plans for both my mom and Tyler’s parents – gotta secure that childcare – so we are moving our annual anniversary trip to earlier in the month. We’re still figuring out where to go, but we have a few ideas we’re kicking around. Current contenders include: Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. We will be keeping this one quick, going away for a long weekend, so we need to keep it close-ish.

Late July: New York City, New York

Last year, Tyler and I capitalized on my work conference in NYC for a hybrid anniversary trip (more on that here), but this time, I’m keeping it strictly business. Of course, since it’s a conference, I’m sure there will still be plenty of fun. I just got approval for this trip at the end of last week, so planning is in the very early stages. That being said, I guarantee I’m going to have some great meals – that may just be my favorite part about traveling for conferences. 😉

August: Lindau, Germany + Zurich, Switzerland

This is the big one! Tyler, the kiddos, and I are hopping on a direct flight to Zurich and soaking in some of that sweet Swiss summer sun (say that five times fast). I laid out our current itinerary here, which details out our current plans for Lindau and Zurich – plus a day trip to Austria. Of course, we’ll adjust as needed, since traveling with kids is its own kind of adventure. If you have any recommendations for activities while we’re there, please let me know!