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When I wrote my 2021 travel wrap up, I hoped that 2022 would be a year with a lot more traveling. Boy, has it been! So far this year, I have taken my first solo trip, exploring Osprey and Venice, Florida; joined the extended family for an Irish vacation; and added a new country to my list, visiting Madrid and Barcelona in Spain

After these past couple years, that alone would seem like a lot. But this summer is looking hotter and hotter with travel plans. Here’s what I have coming up this summer…

Treasure Island, Florida

My grandparents take a vacation to Treasure Island, Florida, every year, and even though it’s only about twenty minutes away from us in St. Pete, it feels like a completely different place. We’ll spend some time with them on the beach, soaking in the sun and the sand on a little staycation.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

We’ll be spending our anniversary in Toronto, Canada, this year! We still need to lock in our day trip to Niagara Falls, but our plans are otherwise in good shape. This will be our first trip this year as just the two of us. It will also be the first time we get to use Global Entry – we interviewed on arrival after our return from Spain, and we were approved – so more to come on that!

Austin, Texas

I’ll be visiting Austin for the first time to celebrate my friend Chelsea’s “last rodeo” bachelorette party! I have heard only great things about the city, so I’m excited to get the chance to explore it for myself. The bride and MOH have put together an excellent plan for our time there; y’all know how much I love an itinerary.

Jacksonville, Florida

I’m still working out the logistics on this one, but I’ll be heading to Jacksonville, Florida, for a wedding shower. I was thinking, while I’m there, I could also check out Amelia Island, since Megan raved about it. Any recommendations for how to make the most of a long weekend in the area?

Greenville, South Carolina

Unless we pull the trigger on a return trip to Iceland – it’s mighty tempting – we’re most likely wrapping up our summer travel with a trip to Greenville, South Carolina, for Chelsea and Josh’s wedding! I’ve only spent time in Columbia and Charleston, so this will be a fun adventure for all folks involved. 😉