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Hello hello! It’s been a few weeks since my last post, but that’s because we’ve embarked on a new adventure over here: our baby girl has arrived! She and I are both in good health, and we’re all excited to lock down more travel plans – for example, we’ve booked three out of four accommodations for our trip to Japan next year.

Of course, as we look ahead to new trips and locations, it’s good to remember the ones we’ve taken as well. It can be easy to get caught up in the places I didn’t go (like a wedding in NYC or a work trip to Scottsdale, Arizona), but I was actually surprised by just how many trips I managed to take, now that I’m looking back on it! Some of which I’d already forgotten about… To recap, here’s where the year took me:

January: Las Vegas, Nevada

It wasn’t until I scrolled back on my calendar that I remembered taking this trip! Yes, it was for work, but I managed to make the most of my bleisure time there. Plus, with access to so many delicious restaurants, I ate really, really well. Shout out to the partners who took me out to dinner!

April: Stockholm, Sweden; Tallinn, Estonia; Helsinki, Finland

After a lot of local adventures in March, we took our first international trip of the year! We landed in Stockholm on the first of April, so definitely started the month strong. From there, we took the ferry to Helsinki, and from there, we took a day trip to Tallinn. Our plans were definitely a little ambitious with a toddler in tow, but we made it work.

May: Yellowstone National Park; Seattle, Washington

This was my peak first trimester travel, so I wasn’t feeling my best. However, I’m so glad I powered through for these adventures! Sara and I had the best time bopping around Yellowstone National Park, even when we had no wifi. Then, rather than return home, I flew directly to Seattle for work. It was a whirlwind, but so worth it.

July + August: NYC, New York

I had passed on taking a trip to NYC for a wedding in June for a few different reasons, so I was glad Tyler and I had the opportunity to go in July for our anniversary! It was such a nice little getaway, even when you add in that we were both working, and it gave us a chance to explore the city together, many years after our first visit.

September: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Not every company that will fund a team retreat to an all-inclusive resort, so I am very fortunate that I had the opportunity to jump on this! Even though I was into my third trimester at this point and not the most comfortable, I absolutely had a great time in Cabo with my team. This was my last trip of the year, so I went out with a bang!

Would I have liked to travel more this year? Absolutely. But after the last decade of traveling, I know that there will be more opportunities to adventure next year, and the year after that, and the year after that. Right now, I’m enjoying some time at home with the family – and, of course, keeping an eye on Google Flights for any deals that are too good to pass up. 😉