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Work travel is back, y’all. While I squeezed in a trip to Las Vegas for a conference at the end of last year, I am now planning a couple different work trips this year, likely to Boston and Detroit, which are both new spots for me! With these upcoming travels, I started reminiscing about past trips. A quick tour of hotspots in San Francisco, California, several outdoor adventures in Scottsdale, Arizona, and of course – New York City. 

I used to have an annual conference in NYC, and that didn’t include the multiple times a year I was going to visit clients. I figured out early on how to turn these trips into “bleisure” ones – that is, after this incident – and I had various explorations with coworkers and friends as we discovered all the city had to offer. These are some of the highlights:

  • The High Line. I have been going to way more parks than I used to, now that we have the kiddo in tow, but The High Line will always have a special place in my heart. This elevated park is about 1.5 miles long and offers a great place to spend your day. Just find an access spot and head on up!
  • Broadway. I had gone previously when I was 12, but fell asleep halfway through Beauty and the Beast. I’ve now been twice as an adult, both on work trips; once, I went with a wonderful client to see Book of Mormon, and another time I was snowed into the city and got cheap tickets to see Matilda. An absolute must-do!
  • Not Your Standard Bingo. Located in The Standard Grill in the Meatpacking District, this bingo event is totally over the top – in the best kind of way. We went with clients (proceed with caution, based on your contact!), but I absolutely think this would be a great activity with friends. You can find the upcoming themes here.
  • SeaGlass Carousel. You may now recognize this fun attraction from Younger, but we happened upon this aquatic carousel in Battery Park after a lot of Instagram research. Take a ton of photos, as well as a whirl around – what other delightful experience can you buy in NYC for $5.50?
  • Brooklyn Bridge. There is something totally magical about walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, as was recently noted on How I Met Your Father. I absolutely recommend making the trek, but word of caution – this is not the place to wear heels. I definitely was dealing with blisters after the fact.
  • Chelsea Market. Part food hall, part shopping mall, Chelsea Market is the kind of place you can easily spend your day wandering around. I was able to meet up with my old college roommate here, which made the whole experience even better. The last time she and I had been together in NYC was when we “voluntoured” there!
  • The food! Since I’ve generally gone for client meetings, I have had the good fortune of eating well when in the city. Celebrity sightings aside (like seeing Jimmy Fallon at Gramercy Tavern), some of my favorites and/or most memorial food experiences have been…

What are your must-dos when in the city? Share them in the comments!