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Hi! I’m Lacy, Megan’s longtime best friend.  We love planning, going on, and reminiscing on girls’ trips together.  I got married in January 2022 and went on our honeymoon to Costa Rica right after.  I was so excited when Megan asked me to share because we had the BEST trip!

Honestly, we had dreamed of and talked about honeymooning in Italy for almost as long as I can remember.  However, with ever changing COVID travel restrictions and Italy’s rules, we didn’t feel like it would be the right time for the trip we were dreaming of (and I had enough other things to worry about other than our honeymoon getting cancelled).

Costa Rica has always been on my bucket list, but Mitchell took a little convincing at first, mostly because he was mourning Italy.  We discussed a variety of potential honeymoon destinations all over the planet.  A couple big factors for us were that we didn’t want to spend days traveling (that crossed the Maldives for us) and we were going in January which isn’t the ideal time to visit some places.

So how did we end up with Costa Rica?  For starters, Mitchell is far from a beach bum, so we wanted somewhere with activities beyond the water. After wedding planning, we wanted somewhere that we could relax, but we also really wanted somewhere we could go explore and make new memories together. Honestly, everyone we talked to had nothing but amazing things to say about Costa Rica!  At the end of the day, it felt like the right place for us between location, weather, beach, volcanos, rainforest, culture, and the fact that I’m an environmental scientist and they are one of the most sustainable countries in the world didn’t hurt.

We had the best trip in the Guanacaste province of Costa Rica, and I would go again in a heartbeat!  Highly recommend, honeymoon or not! Here’s a breakdown of what we did but check back in for more details on our excursions and whether or not we thought the all-inclusive resort was really worth it.

(PS – We got married on Saturday and chose to stay in town and relax Sunday, if you have an extra day to work with, I HIGHLY recommend.  It was so nice to sleep in and have no timeline the day after our wedding.)

DayWhat we did
MondayFlew into Liberia International, checked into resort, explored property and settled in
TuesdayResort – Relaxing beach/pool day
WednesdayResort – Shops and spa day – massages, facials, sauna
ThursdayOff property (Rincon de la Vieja National Park) – All day excursion at volcanic national park including horseback riding up the volcano, tubing down the river, ziplining through the rainforest, volcanic hot springs and mud baths, and lunch
FridayOff property (Diamante Eco Adventure Park) – Cultural coffee and chocolate making tour and tasting, animal sanctuary, mini hike back to resort
SaturdayResort – SCUBA training in a pool then boat trip to SCUBA on a reef off the coast
SundayOff property (Palo Verde National Park) – Boat safari, lunch, handmade pottery demo, and feeding iguanas
MondayResort – COVID testing, relax at the pool, sunset massages
TuesdayCheck out and flew home