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That Time When… 911 Put Me On Hold

I glanced down at my phone, located next to my plate on the table because I’d been taking pictures of our food. Whelp, there was no getting out of this one. So I said yes, I did; he then explained that there was a woman who sincerely needed medical attention, just on the other side of the walled patio we were eating on, and could we please call 911 for her? So I did.

That Time When… I Voluntoured in New York

I was a sophomore in college when Hurricane Sandy devastated New York. I had seen hurricane damage in Florida, but we’re prepared for hurricanes here - this was something entirely different. So much damage had been done, with thousands of houses flooded. When my RA shared that the UF Hillel was organizing a volunteer trip to help out, I knew I wanted to give back - plus, it meant a free trip to New York.

That Time When… I Fell on a Cactus

We had to hustle over to Brown's Mountain after her shift to make sure we had time to get up to the top and back before sunset. Our timing was slightly off, so it was darker than we would have liked as we made our way back down the mountain. This, combined with my knack for falling, had unfortunate results.

That Time When… I Saw My First Snow Fall

It was Christmas during my junior year of high school, and I had been invited to a softball camp at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. Unfortunately, three days before we were supposed to leave, the camp was canceled because of weather. With all our hotels booked, and my parents already taking off work, we decided to turn it into a vacation to the Smokey Mountains.

That Time When… Our Train to Glasgow Didn’t Exist

Imagine us on Boxing Day, arriving at Waverly train station in Edinburgh to find that the train station was actually closed. We had booked our train tickets to Glasgow via Rail Europe in September, and they had provided instructions to print our train tickets at the station, so we only had the confirmation email to go off of. Queue Tyler and I frantically trying to make calls and use the nearby mall’s WiFi to figure out what had happened.