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Where to Eat in Helsinki, Finland

After spending some time in Stockholm, Sweden, we took the ferry over to Helsinki, Finland, for the second half of our trip (which was broken up by a quick day trip to Tallinn, Estonia). We were really happy with our hotel, which was centrally located, but the best thing we did in Helsinki was eat! We had made reservations in advance, based on research that said it could be difficult to get into restaurants, and we were happy with all the places we ate. If you’re looking for dining recommendations, look no further...

Planning Our Anniversary 2023 Trip

Friends, somehow, tomorrow is June. Where has this year gone! I’ve been fortunate to go on a few different adventures so far this year - I haven’t even shared everything we did in Finland - but we’re less than two months out from our anniversary, and we don’t know how we’re going to celebrate it this year...

48 Hours in Stockholm, Sweden

It’s hard to believe that, just a month ago, we were exploring Stockholm! April flew by, and here I am prepping to go to Bozeman and Seattle later this month (more to come on those). But before I get too ahead of myself, this is how we spent our ~48 hours in Stockholm.

Bay Palms Golf Complex: What to Know

About a month ago, I signed up to volunteer with the Tampa Gator Club - go Gators! - during their 2023 Scholarship Golf Tournament. This is their biggest scholarship fundraiser of the year, which they hosted last weekend at Bay Palms Golf Complex. To no one’s surprise, this was my first time on the course, but it was gorgeous! They have a great setup there, and I honestly think it’s a bit of a hidden gem for all you golfers out there. If you’re ready for tee time, here’s what you need to know.

Cost Breakout: 5-Day Anniversary Trip to Toronto, Canada

Now that we’ve returned from Scandinavia - more to come on that soon! - we’re setting our sights on planning our upcoming anniversary trip. This encouraged me to actually log our expenses from our 2022 anniversary trip to Toronto, Canada. We dug deep into our credit card statements, and I was finally able to recycle the receipts. Here’s how our costs broke down, and approximately what we’d plan to budget for our 2023 anniversary trip.

March 2023 Highlights from Tampa Bay

We may be preparing to leave for Sweden shortly, but it got me thinking about what a great month we had exploring locally here in the Tampa Bay area. Having a toddler has definitely forced us to get creative with our weekend plans, and we've uncovered some awesome new places in the process. Here are a few from just this past month...