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5 Days in San Francisco, California

It’s been a week since we got back from California. While our anniversary trip to Savannah, Georgia, looked a lot different last year for multiple reasons, we learned that we are different travelers now than we were before we became parents. Considering what a whirlwind visit I had when I last visited SF for a 36-hour business trip, this trip was definitely more slow-paced, with a lot more napping involved. After we knocked out our pre-trip planning, here’s how we spent five leisurely days in San Francisco.

15 Places to See Redwoods

Having now seen these redwood trees in person, I can tell you that pictures don't do them justice. They are giant and gorgeous, and you should absolutely see them in person if you can. Outside of the Muir Woods National Monument, which I highly recommend visiting, you can also find them growing naturally in other areas throughout California and southern Oregon, including these locations.

Top 10 Vegan Restaurants in St. Pete, Florida

The donuts at Valkyrie Doughnuts are yeast-raised, egg-free and dairy-free. While I prefer a cake donut, these were quite delicious, and I never would have guessed that most of their flavors were vegan. Which led me to do some research - what other great vegan places have I been missing out on in St. Pete? Here are just a few of the other vegan and plant-based restaurants in the area, giving you ten awesome options to choose from.

How Study Abroad Changed My Life

When I was 20, between my junior and senior years of undergrad, I was fortunate enough to join about ~100 other students from my college on a month-long study abroad. We spent two weeks in France, primarily Paris, as well as two weeks in London, England. While there, I finished my capstone class to graduate, but more importantly, I had an adventure that changed my life. These are just a few of the things, outside of advertising campaigns, that my study abroad taught me.

Spotlight: Voodoo Doughnut

When Tyler and I were visiting for the holiday in July 2019, I made sure we stopped for Voodoo Doughnut before we headed out to the Garden of the Gods. Are they the perfect hiking food? No. But we made it work. If you’ve never been to Voodoo Doughnut, this is definitely a stop to make on your next trip.

3 Days in Puerto Rico

In September 2019, Tyler and I went with his parents on a quick trip to Puerto Rico. We were able to stay in his uncle’s condo in Rincón, which put us right on the beach. We rolled up late at night, but were excited to really kick off our time there the next day. Here's how we spent our three days on the island...

That Time When… I Voluntoured in New York

I was a sophomore in college when Hurricane Sandy devastated New York. I had seen hurricane damage in Florida, but we’re prepared for hurricanes here - this was something entirely different. So much damage had been done, with thousands of houses flooded. When my RA shared that the UF Hillel was organizing a volunteer trip to help out, I knew I wanted to give back - plus, it meant a free trip to New York.

Are Paddywagon Tours Good?

Since Tyler and I have both been to Ireland before, we’ve had family come to us for advice on what to do while there. I was just talking to my mom and sister about how they could make Dublin their home base while still seeing some more of what Ireland has to offer. My answer: Paddywagon Tours.

Our 7-Night Mediterranean Honeymoon

As Megan wrote recently, cruising is back! That, combined with our upcoming anniversary trip, got me thinking about our honeymoon. We did a 7-night cruise through the Mediterranean on Royal Caribbean’s Rhapsody of the Seas. Our honeymoon at sea was equal parts active and relaxing - just what we wanted. We loved that it gave us a glimpse of several new spots.