




Hiya! I’m Katie England… like the country. 😉

I was born and raised in Florida and attended the University of Florida (Go Gators!) for both undergrad and grad school. I currently work in digital marketing strategy and operations. Outside of that, you can definitely find me writing (here and on a freelance basis), planning my next trip or hanging with my husband and our two dogs in St. Pete.



First trip? I went on a couple cruises as a teenager, but I like to consider my first “big girl” trip my summer spent studying abroad in London and Paris. The experiences I had that summer taught me what it meant to love traveling and experiencing new cultures – I haven’t been able to stay put since!

Carry-on or checked bag? I will avoid checking a bag at all costs. I once flew to Las Vegas for a four-day bachelorette with just a backpack.

Favorite travel companion? My husband, Tyler. We’ve been together since I was 15, and I travel with him the most. I couldn’t ask for a better co-researcher, spreadsheet creator or Instagram husband.

Window or aisle? Window! How else am I supposed to sleep through an 8 hour flight?

Bucket list trip? I cannot wait for when I finally make it to Australia! Just waiting for the time (and the price) to make sense.