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In September 2019, Tyler and I went with his parents on a quick trip to Puerto Rico. We were able to stay in his uncle’s condo in Rincón, which put us right on the beach. We rolled up late at night, but were excited to really kick off our time there the next day. Here’s how we spent our three days on the island:

Day 1: Rincón

This morning we were ready to explore! After getting ready, we walked over to the Plaza Pública and ate breakfast at Café 413. We then walked to the beach closest to our condo, the Balneario de Rincón. After grabbing a drink there, we all got into the car to adventure a little further out.

We drove to Faro Punta Higüeras and walked down to Playa Domes, where we were almost mugged. After getting away quickly, we were happy to find ourselves in a much better situation at Playa Crash Boat. We enjoyed drinks, as well as chicken and beef “pinchos.”

After heading back to the condo to clean up a bit, we checked out some cool spots nearby, like the Rincón Beer Company and the Rincón Art Walk. We grabbed dinner at La Cambija, which was excellent – this is a great article about them. We were able to try empanadas with stingray, lion fish and jackfruit. Afterwards, we called it a night.

Day 2: Toa Alta & Dorado

After a quick breakfast at La Nueva Estacion Bakery, we hit the road! My father-in-law’s family is in Toa Alta, so we definitely needed to visit there. We spent a lot of time with the family, eating and drinking from coconuts. They had beautiful property, with hills and waterfalls, so we definitely enjoyed exploring.

We then left for nearby Dorado, where we grabbed dinner at El Capitán. I got to try pulpo and mofongo for the first time! Our meal was delicious and huge, so we enjoyed a post-dinner walk along the Balneario Manuel Morales before getting gas and heading back.

We stumbled upon karaoke at the Balneario de Rincón, so we watched that for a bit before heading into the condo for the evening.

Day 3: San Sebastián

We swung by La Nueva Estacion Bakery again for breakfast, and then stopped at Econo for groceries before heading out to San Sebastián. Our next stop was the most picturesque of the whole trip: the Cascada Gozalandia. We spent our day swimming and soaking in this beautiful waterfall. My sunhat did take some irreparable damage, but it was worth it.

On our way back to the condo, we stopped at Paletados for a snack, and then laid out by the condo pool for a bit. We had a hard time finding somewhere open for dinner, but we ultimately found ourselves at The Beach House. Sitting outside the restaurant, listening to the coqui, was a great way to wrap up our trip.

After dinner, we went to bed, as our flight left early the next morning. I’m definitely looking forward to our next trip to Puerto Rico!